How to Download Ancestry Results and Upload to GEDmatch

How to Download Ancestry Results and Upload to GEDmatch

To download your Ancestry results:

  1. Log in to Ancestry
  2. Go to your DNA Settings page. If prompted, sign in to your account. To get to this page from any page on Ancestry, click the DNA tab > Your DNA Results Summary > Settings.
  3. On your DNA settings page, scroll to the Actions section and click Download next to Download DNA Data.
  4. Enter your password, check the box, and click Confirm. You'll get an email containing a link to confirm the download. The downloaded file will not be in the email itself; in the email, you'll click a link that will bring you back to Ancestry.
  5. In the email, click Confirm Data Download. A download link can be used just once, and it will expire after one week. If your link has expired, start over at step 1.
  6. If prompted, sign in. On the Download DNA Data page on Ancestry, click Download DNA Data. If you’re brought to a page that contains a DNA ad rather than a sign in page, you may be in someone else’s account; click the name or username in the top-right corner to sign out, then sign in to your account.
  7. The file will be downloaded to your computer. The file name will be dna-data-(date).zip. If you can’t find it, check your Downloads folder or search for the file name (if you have a PC) by clicking the Windows key   on your keyboard and enter the file name in the search field that appears, or (if you have an Apple computer) by clicking the Spotlight icon   in the top-right corner of your screen and enter the file name in the search field.
  8. Please note where this file is located on your computer.
In case these steps change, you can also find the instructions on Ancestry's site here:

Next, upload this data file to your GEDmatch account:

  1. Log into GEDmatch
  2. Click on "Generic uploads (23andMe, FTDNA, AncestryDNA and most others)"
  3. Fill in the form with as much information as you have. Select the “opt-in” option if you wish to participate in law enforcement searching
  4. Click on the Browse button at the bottom of the page
  5. Find the title of the raw data you just downloaded from the testing company. Hint: look for the correct download date
  6. Highlight the title then click on open at the bottom of the page where the title occurs. The title will now appear next to your GEDmatch browse button.
  7. Click the upload button and wait until you see the word "Finish."

Please note that once you have uploaded the data, it will be batch processed and compared to the rest of the GEDmatch database. This may take up to 24 hours before you can see potential genetic matches. Most users get started on GEDmatch with the One-to-Many tool. This tool will return a list of potential genetic relatives for you to investigate. Here is a helpful video on how it works:

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